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Current State of the Union (9.14.14-9.21.14)

This week consisted of another goodbye, cleaning, packing, moving and unpacking. I finally started my move into my first apartment and started setting up my new room. (see my twitter for a photo of my room so far.) I deep cleaned my room at home, made several trips to ikea and provided moral support while others built my furniture because I am weak and useless. Moving takes the energy right out of you and I'm not even done yet, I'm only half way there. But it is exciting at the same time! But also sad beause well, growing up is very bittersweet and moving into my first apartment makes me realize that yes, I am in fact growing up and I am in fact terrified.

Current State of the Union

September 14th 2014- September 21st, 2014


New room Assembling furniture

Movie nights Moody people

Clean rooms Cleaning rooms

Until next time,

☾ SAM ✧

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