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♬ Artist Spotlight | The Shins ♬

The Shins.

Probably one of my favorites, if not my favorite band to this day. Now, I am not a music expert or connoisseur in anyway. I just really enjoy music. Ever since I watched Garden State which featured several Shins songs I have liked them, especially because my sister played them on blast non stop. It wasn't until Freshman year of high school that I really fell in love. My love was solidified even further my Sophomore year when I got to dance to The Shins in my annual dance recital. It was a dream come true and thus a great love affair was born. No matter how many new and old artists I discovered, I would always and will always come back to the Shins, enamored with their beautiful and irreplaceable sound. Since I cannot narrow down my favorite songs into a playlist of only 10, like my pervious music related posts, I will highlight my favorite songs from each album. Read, listen and fall in love with The Shins.

Starting with their most recent album: Port of Morrow

Released in 2012

The Rifle's Spiral

Simple Song

It's Only Life


Port of Morrow

Wincing the Night Away

Released in 2007

Sleeping Lessons


Phantom Limb

Red Rabbits

Turn on Me

A Commet Appears

Chutes Too Narrow

Released in 2003

Kissing the Lipless

Young Pilgrims

Saint Simon

Pink Bullets

Those to Come

Know Your Onion!

Released 2002

Sphagnum Esplanade

Know Your Onion!

(Know Your Onion! was also released w/ their Oh, Inverted World album)

Oh, Inverted World

Released in 2001

Caring is Creepy

One by One All Day

Weird Divide

Know Your Onion!

Girl Inform Me

New Slang

The band is classified as an American indie rock band who originated in Portland, Oregon. There is something so unique about their sound that cannot be found in other bands. Not to mention they are catchy without numbing the mind like many of the songs on the radio (they are catchy alright, but I hate that about them.) The Shins' sound is somewhat addicting, once you hear them once, they are engraved into your mind and put you in a Shins coma (a period in time where you can only listen to The Shins in order to stay sane) which usually lasts for weeks at a time and are also a reoccurring thing. Their songs can make me happy, sad, relaxed and/or nostalgic and that's what I love about them. They make me feel genuine emotions without being over produced or flashy. Genuine music, that's all that really counts.

Currently listening to Slee[ing Lessons (my favorite at the moment) as I write this. Listen to their Spotify! Band members Nick Teeling, Joe Plummer, Jessica Dobson, Richard Swift & James Mercer.

Until next time,

☾ SAM ✧

All photos courtesy of

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